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There Is No Cloud …just other people's computers.
Sane software manifesto / Manifest příčetného softwaru

Komix: Microsoft cloud computing

vydáno: 12. 9. 2011 20:31, aktualizováno: 10. 12. 2013 21:34

Microsoft/Windows Internet Explorer and XHTML Error

vydáno: 5. 9. 2010 22:01, aktualizováno: 21. 9. 2020 15:59

Maybe you know this story: you typed an internet address into your browser or clicked some link and… no web page is displayed – instead there is download dialog like this one: This is very unfavourable because you can't read the web page – it is unlike other web imperfections and incompatibilities which causes broken design or layout of the page. In this situation the browser fails in its main task: viewing web pages.